
In Laravel, middleware plays a crucial role in handling HTTP requests. It acts as a bridge between the server and the application, allowing you to perform various tasks before and after a request is handled. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of middleware available in Laravel and how to use them effectively.

Global Middleware

Global middleware is executed on every request to your application. It is defined in the app/Http/Kernel.php file. By default, Laravel includes several global middleware such as EncryptCookies, VerifyCsrfToken, and TrimStrings. You can also create your own global middleware by implementing the HandleMiddleware interface.

Route Middleware

Route middleware is specific to certain routes or groups of routes. It allows you to perform actions before and after a route is executed. You can define route middleware in the app/Http/Kernel.php file and apply it to routes using the middleware method. For example, you can use the auth middleware to ensure that a user is authenticated before accessing a specific route.

Controller Middleware

Controller middleware is similar to route middleware but is applied directly to controller methods. You can specify controller middleware using the middleware method in your controller class. This allows you to apply middleware to specific methods within the controller, giving you more granular control over the request flow.

Group Middleware

Group middleware allows you to apply middleware to a group of routes. It is defined in the app/Http/Kernel.php file and can be applied using the middlewareGroup method. Group middleware is useful when you want to apply the same set of middleware to multiple routes. For example, you can create a group middleware called api and apply it to all API routes.

Terminable Middleware

Terminable middleware is executed after the response has been sent to the browser. It allows you to perform tasks that should be done after the response has been handled. To create terminable middleware, you need to implement the TerminableMiddleware interface. Laravel includes several terminable middleware by default, such as StartSession and StoreCookies.


Middleware in Laravel provides a powerful way to handle HTTP requests. Whether you need to perform authentication, logging, or any other task, middleware allows you to do so in a flexible and organized manner. By understanding the different types of middleware available in Laravel and how to use them effectively, you can enhance the security and functionality of your applications.

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