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When working with Ajax, it’s important to understand the difference between asynchronous and synchronous requests. Both methods allow for communication between the client and server without refreshing the entire webpage, but they differ in how they handle the flow of execution.

Synchronous Ajax, also known as blocking Ajax, is the traditional method where the browser waits for the server’s response before continuing to execute any further code. This means that the user interface is frozen until the server responds, which can lead to a poor user experience if the response time is long. Synchronous Ajax is generally used when the response is critical for the next step in the code execution.

On the other hand, asynchronous Ajax, also known as non-blocking Ajax, allows the browser to continue executing code while waiting for the server’s response. This means that the user interface remains responsive, providing a better user experience. Asynchronous Ajax is commonly used when the response is not critical for the next step, or when multiple requests need to be made simultaneously.

One of the main advantages of asynchronous Ajax is improved performance. Since the browser can continue executing code while waiting for the server’s response, it can handle multiple requests concurrently, leading to faster overall execution. Additionally, asynchronous requests can be easily canceled or aborted if needed.

However, working with asynchronous Ajax requires careful handling of the response. Since the response may not arrive in the order the requests were made, proper handling of callbacks or promises is necessary to ensure the correct processing of data.

In summary, synchronous Ajax blocks the browser’s execution until the server responds, while asynchronous Ajax allows the browser to continue executing code while waiting for the response. Asynchronous Ajax provides a better user experience and improved performance but requires careful handling of the response.

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